600 South Fourth Street, Stoughton WI
(608) 873-3379
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Nights & Weekends Smart Plan
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Cross-Connection Control Program
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Business Rates
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Economic Development
Energy Management Services
Incentive Programs
MyMeter Interval Data
Power Quality
Pricing Options
Tax Credit Resources
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Employment Opportunities
Project RoundUP
Public Power Scholarship
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Stoughton Utilities Committee
Online Services
MyMeter Interval Data
Nights & Weekends Smart Plan Calculator
Schedule Meter Appointment
Solar System Map
SU Solar Generation
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Wisconsin Rate Comparisons
Business Rates
View the current rate schedule for commercial and industrial electric service, as well as water and wastewater.
Choose Renewable
Let your customers know that your business supports the growth of solar and wind energy with our 'Choose Renewable' program.
Economic Development
We know that electric costs can be a significant part of your operating budget. Doing business in a public power community just makes sense.
Energy Management Services
Commercial and industrial businesses have tremendous potential to realize cost savings through improving the energy efficiency of their facilities without sacrificing productivity.
Incentive Programs
Learn about the incentive programs available to our business customers including cash-back rebates and opportunities.
MyMeter Interval Data
Our online MyMeter portal can help you manage your business's energy usage by displaying interval data and usage trends to help you control costs and maximize profits. As a large business or industrial customer with interval data metering, you can use MyMeter to produce customized electric load reports, set alerts, and more.
Power Quality
SU offers assistance finding and troubleshooting internal power quality issues, as well as planning assistance to avoid issues in the future.
Pricing Options
Stoughton Utilities offers participating businesses a financial incentive to reduce the strain on the electric system when the demand and price for power surges.
Tax Credit Resources
Find a list of resources available to help you navigate the various clean energy tax credits available.